Keeping Up With The Kard'asians'!

Women in Singapore are often regarded as one of the best dressed in the world. One walk along any busy street will prove that beyond any reasonable doubt. Every thing from the small clip on the hair to the tips of the toes are matched or mismatched ( on purpose) to perfection. The impeccable grooming coupled with an amazing sense of fashion has always kept the designer brands competing for a space in Singapore malls. Their affinity or appetite for high end fashion is remarkable, so is their knowledge of all things designer. Naturally blessed with twiny bodies, they are any fashion designer's dream market, albeit a petite version! 

The biggest obsession with the Jones' over here is bags. By bags I don't mean the utilitarian sacs needed to carry things, that sometimes come in cute shapes and colours. We're talking about serious designer statement bags and monogram is the name of the game over here. There are Pradas, Guccis, Louis Vuittons, D&Gs, YSLs and Burberrys strewn amidst Coaches and Kate Spades. Here, it isn't just about owning one of these, it is about strutting the designs from the latest season. So, once these 'Bagvatis' are past their prime ( belong to previous seasons, that is) it is shocking to see these demi-goddesses thrown in the middle of a shopping arena on a make shift sale, like the old stock of a granary. That is when hyenas like me go scavenging to find something on atleast 90% off, if not free! The time around Chinese New Year is when the obsession reaches it's peak. Don't despair, if you can't buy them, you can always rent them just like renting a car! Plenty of ads in the newspapers for designer bag rentals for the festive season.
The effort needed to keep up leaves no room for laziness. Perfect mani-pedis with nails looking like works of art leave me grunchy at my spice stained finger nails. Are these ladies even aware of an area called kitchen in the floor plan of a house? Where else would I get so conscious of that single strand of hair that escapes the torture of waxing than on an MRT ride. An eyesore amidst bamboo smooth skins. This is just the grooming talk, beauty business is another topic that I dare not venture into. Yes, there are hundreds of brands from all over the world with millions of products. Of course there are also women willing to drink beauty potions made from all living and non living sources for that 'glow' from the inside. Now, that should take care of anything that layers of serums, creams and makeup fail to cover up. The end result, beautiful Barbie dolls with only one thing missing from their faces, a warm smile :-)

This article is just a breezy look at female frailty and does not intend to demean Singaporean women in any manner, who are some of the smartest ones around.


  1. hahaha! You said it all lady.

    Each time I board the train to/fro work, I feel the imminent need for a chameleon's skill - to blend into the train wall's colors & watch these gorgeous people dressed with a sense of pride & purpose. Return from work in the evening at 7pm, not a strand of hair out of place. Evening jog - no sweat! - literally, they don't even break into a sweat!!! How?!!! HOWWW!!!

    Caveat: Since the article is clearly about Prada, Gucci & nail-art, stick to clearly admiration.

  2. Seriously! Being presentable is necessary and being fashionable is great but nothing can match up to compassion in a woman's heart..


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